the plants want water还是watering?
我的答案是 the plants want water这句话的意思是这些植物需要浇水,正确的答案应是the plants want watering?
上面这道题考察的是英语***殊动词的用法知识点。在英语语法中,want, need,require等动词后面跟动名词的作用是用主动语态表被动语态。
扫地sweep the floor拖地mop the floor吸尘vacuum整理房间tide up the room擦窗户clean the windows铺床make the bed换床单change the sheets洗衣服wash the clothes/do the laundry 叠衣服fold the clothes熨衣服iron煮饭cook the meals/do the cooking摆放餐具set the table擦桌子wipe off the table洗碗wash the dishes扔垃圾take out the rubbish/garbage浇花water the flowers/vegetables