Some people like a lily,and some people like the flower of the sun,but I like Chinese rose flower.
Far see rose flowers like roses, it is half a meter high, every blooming flower is like a red sun.The branch of thetree the needle, and a few of the green le***es, the le***es are oval.The branches of the thickness of a thick finger,bark color is green, like a fairy with a wand.Le***es two two relative, like a good friend of the two neverseparated.Flower color is golden,white, pink. . . . . .Without the buds open like a brush head.Every flower openespecially bright, the breeze,as if in and we w***ed.
Ah!I love Chinese rose, it with the bright colors of the city streets look more beautiful.
Describe the rose
For thousands of years, rose is not only a kind of flower, but also a symbol. In ancient China, this kind of flower is regarded as a symbol of true love. Pure lovers are sweetly described as roses because they are considered as beautiful as they are.
Another old saying is: send another bunch of roses with the fragrance of roses in their hands.
月季花(学名:Rosa chinensis Jacq.):被称为花中皇后,又称“月月红”,是常绿、半常绿低矮灌木,四季开花﹐一般为红色﹐或粉色、偶有白色和黄色﹐可作为观赏植物,也可作为药用植物,亦称月季。有三个自然变种,现代月季花型多样,有单瓣和重瓣,还有高心卷边等优美花型;其色彩艳丽、丰富,不仅有红、粉、黄、白等单色,还有混色、银边等品种;多数品种有芳香。月季的品种繁多,世界上已有近万种,中国也有千种以上。